Below are some of the testimonials and comments received from individuals like yourself. In the early days I offered this unique method of scripting as a downloadable program.
But today it is now being offered all over the globe as a hard copy book or ebook.
During the time I offered it as a program I received many wonderful emails and comments about how this approach to scripting has helped individuals with finding release.
I certainly love hearing the support you have for my book, but what is so much more important is the success many hundreds of people around the globe are having when it comes to scripting. And even more important and wonderful is the release that they are experiencing at their own finger tips.
I would love to hear from you, please sent me your review to eft@eftcreatingscripts.com
From: Vibhavari
I've used this scripting method for just a couple of days, but it has helped me uncover layers of stuff that I did not even know existed in my thinking.. the questions that one asks- and the answers that come up really helped me get things in perspective. I'm making progress with some issues that had remained stuck for a long time.
This guide helps you articulate your thoughts. often people get stuck when they just feel they don't know what to say. This guide helps them get unstuck.
From: Svetlana L..
It was a kind of surprise to me, but I started to tap on emotions concerning my habit of biting lips and it took me to many other issues
I started to tap EFT and write down my thoughts about my habit - biting lips. I have this habit since the childhood and was never quiet able to get rid of it. As I started to tap and write, it took me to many other thoughts and feelings. The urge to bite my lips stopped shortly after the tapping and writing. As I finished, I had a better clarity and energy, I felt good.
From: Dee..
I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for this program. I love the pen and paper method of scripting as it is so simple and so natural, and I am no longer worried about how to put my problems into a script as this method does not involve creating of scripts.
The actual guide and audio's which talk about scripting has taught me so much, not only has it taught me how to script but it has shown me so much about myself. I considered each of the elements along the way and I realized just how much stuff I was pushing down and not releasing. Because the key elements are so simple to apply I am no longer afraid to script. I use to be so afraid because I was worried I would uncover something that I could not release on my own.
thank you so much
From: Shonda W
I am thoroughly impressed with your method of scripting. I think it is easy to read and follow.
It flows very easily all of the way through. I didn't have to re-read any part because of your seamless way of explaining the process. I really enjoyed the last page because it is a quick reference to return to and review the steps when I am ready to create my next script. The examples you gave were a very important part of the guide.
I'll admit that I was a little nervous about learning to script (maybe I should tap on that!!). I thought that it was going to be difficult. The scripts that you create on your site are so wonderful. I really never thought that I could create any scripts just for me.
Reading your guide was like having you right there beside me. I was unprepared for the issues that came up while writing out my questions and going in depth about my chosen topic. Just writing it all out without judgment liberated me to uncover hidden thoughts and feelings. I liked your idea of doing this exercise without even thinking or worrying about turning it into an EFT script. I was just free to let my pen express what I was feeling. The steps following this exercise effortlessly led me right into creating my setup phrases and tapping point phrases.
Wow! It was so easy and effective. Since it was my own words, the EFT seemed to be more helpful and successful than following someone else's scripts. There was so much emotion put into my free writing that the scripts I created made a big impact. I really released a lot of negative emotions and beliefs. It was one of the most productive tapping sessions I've ever done!
Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to put together such an astonishing scripting guide. I can't see anyone, whether they are experienced with EFT or not, having any problems following along with your instructions and having outstanding results. I will definitely be using your method over and over again.
Thank you!!
From: Helen Marks // Canada
thanks for a wonderful gift.
I have been performing EFT for a couple of years, I have purchased many programs to tap to and followed many guides on scripting but could never really make the connection between scripting and my own problems. I have tapped many times on my own issues and I whilst I have cleared some I would still always get stuck in the script creation phase and could never really clear all my emotions as successfully as I would like, I could not figure out why scripting seemed easy for others and why I had such a hard time with it.
But you have changed all that. Your short guide is a master piece in thinking, I am surprised I never looked at it this way myself. It is such a powerful way to look within yourself, its almost like you are giving yourself a short therapy session at the same time. All the stress of scripting and all the previous blocks I had in this area have been removed.
I have been using this method for about 3 weeks now and I am sleeping much better and my friends have noticed the change in me and have all asked why I seem so much happier, its because I have cleared some stuff that use to bother me every day.
Yes there is some work to do, as I still have to tap and I still have to devote the time to do it, but the difference is now I know its going to work, and I am going to be able to get release.
I have already told numerous friends who have also been using EFT to grab your guide, one even rang me last night to say she had just cleared a negative emotion about something a teacher had said to her 20 years ago, like me she is so overwhelmed by the gift you have given us
thank you.
From: Mark Anderson // Brisbane Australia
thank you.. thank you.. thank you..
I am so happy I purchased this as I was having so much trouble on my own.. EFT works but for months now it has seemed so hard for me to do on my own.. I spent the last 2 days on stuff that has bothered me for years, I don't even know why it use to bother me any more. thank you for showing me a way to use EFT that doesn't feel like scripting...
From: J Cassandra // California
wow.. I didn't think EFT could become even easier then it is. I wont have to worry about scripting or what to say, or if I am doing it right, or any of the other thoughts ever again. Its so brilliant, I didn't believe it at first, I read the guide and I thought "could it be that easy" but I tried it and it works.. I have used this approach on my topics and each time I uncovered more things, but the best part is that I was also able to release all of these with EFT, finally a way to do EFT that's even easier then EFT.
From: Andrew C // Brisbane Australia
For a long time now I have been attempting to script on my own and I have never really had much success.. The process has always been so hard for me to do..
Until I brought your small guide. I was expecting a big 100 page program guide that showed me all aspects, so when I saw a small guide I was not expecting it to work. But It does, you have shown me a way to develop scripts about my own issues that is so simple as so easy to do.. I use to spend hours trying to create scripts, and that was my problem.. I don't do that any more, finally I can do it myself...
From: T.. Wai // New Zealand
I wanted to give you a short thank you.
This has to be one of the best purchases I have made in about 2 years, and the cheapest... You have shown me a way to use EFT that is So EASY and SIMPLE to do..
I cant thank you enough - I wonder why no-one else teaches it like this?
From: Leigh S / country not supplied
I usually don't provide any testimonial feedback but I just had to say thanks for such a wonderful down to earth approach to EFT ***Thank you for the pen and paper method***
I have a friend who is an EFT Practitioner and she looked at this guide and has now been using this method to help her clients tap on their own, she swears it is the simplest way to get anyone started, and it works..
From: Angela Peters // NSW Australia
Oh my god... I was a little bit dubious that this was going to be everything you made it out to be, I thought yeah right.. But I had to buy it just to see, and I am so glad I did. You have shown me a way to approach scripting that doesn't even feel like scripting. I have released issues that I have tried to tap on for months, you have shown me a way to approach it that takes all the worry and stress out of tapping.
I would not have brought it if you sold it for 50 or 100 dollars as I would have thought it was a scam, but its clearly worth every bit of that, I am so grateful to you for divulging your secrets.
thank you so very much,